This blog is not new.It has been here since around 2006 a little bit after I moved from my home in Bangkok and left my family behind without any knowing how my life would be in this
At first I thought I would start a blog so that I could tell family and friends how my life is here.How I'm happy sad lonely fun how am I doing just fine...or not.
Then, I couldn't do it as I thought because sometimes...when life gave me lemon I didn't make lemonate I just swallowed pure lemon juice and it wasn't enjoyable so I didn't want to share the acid.
And I also thought who would read? No one gonna want to read it 'cause I'm not good at express my feeling not just by writing, photograph, drawing whatever.I'm not good at any of those or would I make a fashion and style blog like those famous bloggers out there...but I'm also not stylish or pretty.
And then I thought, and what language I should write? Thai? but I have so many friends that are not Thai and I want to share my blog with them or English? but my English is soooo baaaad people would laugh when they read this mess suicide grammar and vocab' even me, I laugh at myself *lol* would I can explain anything in English with these not many words I've known?Would they understand what I'm talking about? or...should I write in France? HA HA HA HA!
There were so many 'What if?' so many walls so many blahblah that stop me from starting something as easy to do as 'a blog'
Today (not literally today today) I think WHY SHOULDN'T I JUST WRITE IT FOR MYSELF? forget everything that stop me from doing it, write about anything I want to write in whatever languages I want even if the grammar is so fucking wrong or not beautifully write.I'm not a poet or a literater, this is just a blog not a best seller novel I don't have to sell it or expect people to read and admire(eventhough I deeply wish that there would be someone that enjoy what I share here more or less) SO JUST DO IT! write something! post something! show pictures! show how I feel!laugh or cry!
I WANT TO SHOW YOU PARIS FROM MY POINT OF it's so beautiful! or even sometimes so bitter!
How I've lived my life here.....
PS. My brother made me this blog head :) that's exactly me! scared cat in a box hee heee.